Letter from the pledging desk

Letter from the CHEO BBQ Pledging Desk

In 2006, we were looking for a way to boost our total donation to CHEO. The idea was to start a pledging program and ask our sports participants to help raise money. At the time we did not know what to expect from our volleyball and ultimate players as these sports are not typically associated with pledging. We certainly did not expect to collect over $3000 in pledges that year. We were humbled by the generosity of our community.

With success like that we vowed to continue in our pledging program. The following year we asked not only our sports participants, but our volunteers as well. Now we were seeing some of our young volunteers bringing in jars of loose change, or the proceeds of a skipping rope competition or lemonade stand. The look of pride in their eyes when they handed in the money that they had raised themselves motivated by a simple request to help us raise money for our Children’s Hospital.

Our pledging program evolved into our Play, Pledge and Win program that to date has contributed over $72,000 of our lifetime donation of $425,000 for the kids who use CHEO. That total would not have been possible without the people who simply asked a friend, neighbour, or family member to help them raise money on behalf of the CHEO BBQ.

For this year, we are encouraging all of our volunteers and volleyball, ultimate and family walk participants to raise a minimum of $25 each, in an effort to reach our 2013 goal of 20,000 in pledges. With your help, we can do it.

To donate:

You can donate for yourself or on behalf of a team or individual online at http://www.cheobbq.com/donations-pledges/


You can download a pledge form at http://www.cheobbq.com/wp-content/uploads/CHEO-Pledge-Form_2012.pdf to keep track of your individual contributions and bring your pledges with you on June 8, 2013 and report to the pledging tent once you have entered the grounds.

It’s easy, just ask!

From our heart to yours, thank you so much for supporting the CHEO BBQ.


Eric Constantineau

CHEO BBQ – Director of Pledging & Donations



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