How the smoke-free regulations affect CHEO BBQ

As you know – Ottawa has new smoke-free regulations in place since April 2012. Below is some information that has been provided to us by the city. Do note that smoking will not be permitted anywhere on the site and that we kindly ask you to respect these new regulations. Failure to do so could result in CHEO BBQ’s license being revoked and that would be very unfortunate!

lnformation for users of municipal property, such as parks, beaches and sports fields

Starting April2, 2012, changes to Ottawa’s smoke-free regulations take effect. All municipal properties, owned and leased by the City of Oftawa, including parks, playgrounds, beaches, sports fields, ByWard and Parkdale Market stands, outdoor areas around City facilities as well as outdoor restaurant and bar patios and tenaces, will be smoke-free. These regulatory changes are part of a strategy to protect children and non-srnokers from second-hand smoke,
while reducing smoking rates.

Ottawa Public Health’s consultations and public opinion research indicates strong support from residents for smoks’free parks, beaches and sports fields. The City of Ottawa joins a growing number of municipalities that have expanded smoke-free spaces.


The City of Ottawa has launched a campaign to inform the public of the new smoke-free regulations. To assist you in notifoing your contacts and association members, Ottawa Public Health can provide you with resources, such as signage and printed information.

It is the responsibility of your group to ensure compliance with the smoke-free regulations amongst your participants and spectators. Failure to do so could mean that your park permit is revoked.

Starting July 2, 2012, contraventions of the new regulations may result in the issuance of Provincial Offence Notice tickets that will carry a fine.

For more information about your responsibilities and how we can help, please review the below information, visit or call 3-1-1.


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